Now it has. "It's been really, really fun, but it's also been a while and I've been getting bored," wrote Allegra on his Twitter feed Thursday. "So, the week after next I will be starting an internship with Apple."
Allegra is the author of JailbreakMe 2 and Jailbreak 3, two hacks for iOS that allowed millions of people to remove all download restrictions on an iPhone or iPad simply by visiting a website.
Both tools shocked the information security industry with their technical sophistication and their brazenness. After all, the same tools that allow users to install unapproved applications could be used by hackers less benign than Allegra to install malicious software on the same devices.
Some jailbreaking enthusiasts, on the other hand, who saw JailbreakMe as a way to gain more freedom on their devices, may view Allegra's move to Apple as a betrayal. After all, he'll now likely be laboring to tighten Apple's already tight restrictions on its operating systems.

Allegra called himself an Apple “fanboy,” and said he sees Android’s more open platform as “the enemy.”
Not all relationships between non-criminal hackers and the companies whose products they target end so well. George Hotz, one of the first iPhone hackers, was sued by Sony after reverse engineering the PlayStation 3, a move that set off a wave of user anger at the company that resulted in more than 20 retaliatory hacking attacks by the hacker collective Anonymous and others.
Apple, by taking the carrot instead of stick approach, may be saving itself that massive PR headache. And by hiring someone who actually understands its products' security weaknesses, it may just be making its users safer, too.
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