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Towards the Feast 1 Shawwal, Assistant Infal Demand Rises Maid special seasonal work while going home and widths, usually booked since the beginning of Ramadan, and came from Central Java.

Written By admin on Sunday, August 21, 2011 | 9:47 AM

Infal maid servant who is employed as a special homecoming and widths. Usually they work seasonally, between one to two weeks, to replace the old maid who was returning home.

Ahead of Eid, the demand increased infal aides, especially in many big cities in Indonesia. Increased demand could reach 20 percent, over time the approach of Lebaran.

An owner of a foundation's assistant labor suppliers infal in Bandung, Sumiati, said the demand for maids in the city of Bandung infal not proportional to the amount of labor available. As a result, Sumiati can not meet all the orders, because the stock of labor, mostly imported from Apex, Central Java habis.Untuk get around the shortage of labor, Sumiati usually work together with other fellow dealers infal helpers in the city of Bandung.

Wages for one maid infal variable, ranging between 600 thousand to 750 thousand dollars per month. The higher wages doubled compared with the usual auxiliary wage. Meanwhile, it became an aide to infal a distinct advantage for Fatimah, an aide to infal from Apex-Central Java. In addition to a higher salary, he is only employed in the not too long, that is two weeks.

Although only employed for a while, an aide to infal should still have good skills in performing various household chores. It is a key condition imposed by a labor recruiter infal assistant, in addition must also be honest and trustworthy

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